CMS Luxembourg, new Infogreen's partner !

CMS Luxembourg, new Infogreen’s partner !

CMS Luxembourg is a future-facing law firm. With more than 78 offices in over 40 countries and 5,000+ lawyers worldwide, we combine deep local market understanding with a global perspective. This enables us to not only anticipate the future, but also to actively help shape it.

CMS Luxembourg is a future-facing law firm. With more than 78 offices in over 40 countries and 5,000+ lawyers worldwide, we combine deep local market understanding with a global perspective. This enables us to not only anticipate the future, but also to actively help shape it.

Active in Luxembourg since 2011, CMS Luxembourg has more than 70 lawyers, genuine experts in their fields who provide full support to local and international groups on all legal aspects of their Luxembourg transactions, as well as their day-to-day operations. CMS Luxembourg is a full-service business law firm offering tailor-made assistance on all areas of Luxembourg law, such as Banking & Finance, Corporate/M&A, Investment Funds and Tax, as well as Commercial, Dispute Resolution, Employment, Capital Markets, IP/IT, ESG and Insurance matters.

ESG and Responsible Investment Funds :

At CMS Luxembourg, we are dedicated to helping clients stay ahead of the curve in the fast-growing and evolving market for sustainable investment, and we are committed to promoting sustainable and responsible practices in the Luxembourg Funds industry.

Our team of ESG experts is dedicated to providing legal and strategic assistance to our Funds and their managers as they navigate the ever-evolving ESG landscape in the financial world by helping them comply with regulations, and supporting them in their efforts to offer products with a positive impact on the environment and society.

We believe that ESG considerations are not only important for ethical reasons, but also for the long-term financial success of the asset management industry. By focusing on sustainability, funds can mitigate risks and increase their attractiveness to investors. “ESG is one of the most important drivers of change in the world today. The right establishment of sustainable products and the implementation of the adequate Responsible Investment strategy are essential from a reputational perspective, as well as being crucial for the continued success of the sustainable financial sector.” Julie Pelcé, ESG expert

We have a team of Responsible Investment experts within our funds and investment management teams, who have extensive experience assisting clients with on many Responsible Investment and ESG related matters. Our team notably has significant experience in structuring and day to day management of microfinance, impact and ESG investment funds, whether initiated by public or private players, and investing either through debt, equity or mixt strategies and ranging from impact first funds to more balanced ESG or thematic funds. Additionally, our team has also provided sustainability-related disclosures assistance to several funds managers, including AIFMs and UCITS management companies, investment advisors and fund manufacturers. We also provide legal assistance on a regular basis with regards to the interpretation of the sustainability disclosures regulations.

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Publié le lundi 12 juin 2023
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