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Circular by Design Challenge #3 Awards Ceremony 2023

Circular by Design Challenge #3 Awards Ceremony 2023

After 12 intensive weeks of coaching, it is time for the participants of the Circular by Design Challenge #3 to be rewarded to receive their reward. On 16 May, the winners of each of the four thematic challenges will be announced at an awards ceremony held in the presence of Minister of the Economy Franz Fayot.

The Circular by Design Challenge stimulates the development of innovative, sustainable solutions to concrete problems. In the beginning of the year, 8 project teams selected by an independent and international jury, led by Professor Martin Charter of the University for the Creative Arts, were invited to join the coaching programme in the following four categories :

  • Multifunctional urban furniture
  • Sustainable business events
  • LuXembourg Collection
  • Development cooperation and humanitarian aid

After the awards ceremony, we invite all participants to join us for a networking cocktail.

Project teams

Click here to register

Publié le lundi 24 avril 2023
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